The "Mini 560" Regulator is advertised to be:

"A High Efficiency Output 5V 5A mini560 Step Down DC-DC Converter Voltage Regulator Buck Stabilized Power Supply Module"

Sometimes the device is marketed with other output voltages besides 5V and some websites even show a chart showing how to change R3 to get the desired output voltage:

Most pages showing photos of the mini 560 regular blur the main IC.  You can see this in the image showing the resistor values for voltage output above.  So what exactly is the mini 560 regulator?

We can see in this picture the IC is marked as JW5069A

mini 560 chip

If we search for JW5069A most results show the IC for sale with little or no description.  For example:

But, what is the chip?  Who makes it? Can these power supplies really do the advertised 5A output?

The "JW" stands for a company by the name of JoulWatt.  Here is a capture of their product brief for the JW609A which states to contact them or an authorized distributor to obtain the datasheet.

The mini 560 is available for purchase here: